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Testimonial Photo

Nix's Photo

Lana Van Cleave's Photo
Lana Van Cleave

Wish I could explain in eloquent, sommelier terminology why I like this wine – it’s Black Label for me!  But I’m untrained!  So I just know that this is a wine that makes me smile when it hits my palette!  And when the bottle is empty, it’s time to open another! 

John and Lisa's Photo
John and Lisa Mulder

Our Christmas Day drink of choice….Good thing that last case came when it did!

Keagan Leblanc's Photo
Keagan Leblanc

It is a tie for us and we need more to confirm!!!! While they both have a different taste, they are both wonderful paired with a meal or alone in a glass!! Mrs. White has a smooth finish with hints of oak, while Mr. Black is bigger and bolder on the taste. We enjoy both and cannot wait to order more in the future!! 😍
We have let friends taste and you will have new customers soon!!